Can’t go without a website much longer?

We will design your website and have you ready to do business in no time!  We know you need a professional website to be taken serious.  We also know that something has been holding you back.  We will address your concerns and have you ready to do business in the digital age. 

What will it take to get started?

Web design is a process.  Once you have committed to it, you will be on your way to establishing a professional online presence.  Make the commitment and let’s get to it!

If you conduct business in this day and age, and you don’t have a web site, nobody is going to take you serious!
— Rodney Prince

What is the process?

1. Intial consultation

We will discuss your project’s scope, timeline, and budget. We will be looking to receive a clear understanding of your expectations. This is when we get to know one another to evaluate whether or not we are the right company for the job.

2. Develop proposal

We always develop a written proposal outlining your projects scope, timeline, and cost. We do this so that we are both clear on our expectations. Once you receive our initial proposal we will amend any details. We do this until we are both satisfied.

3. Produce content

This is the most important step. Content is everything. We work together to develop or produce the content that will make up your website. This is the bulk of the work when producing an effective, professional web presence.

4. Conceptualize design

This is when we brainstorm how your content will be arranged. This step is fueled by our understanding of your end goal. What do you want people to do when they come to your website?

5. Build and review

This is when we take your content and our design concept and build your website. Once we have all the content arranged, according to our design concept, we will schedule a meeting to review. We discuss our progress, agree to any changes, and continue to work toward completion.

6. Test for usability

We test the completed web site to determine if it meets our usability goals. If we discover areas that need improvement, we make the necessary changes and repeat this step.

7. Launch site

Congratulations! Your site is complete and ready to be launched. This is when you visit your web site one hundred times to marvel at your accomplishment. You are ready to conquer the world!